Total monthly rainfall: 34 millimetres. Maximum daily rainfall: 12.5 mm (18th June).

This mediocre rainfall left our ponds at low levels for the time of year, and our soils very dry. Measurable rain fell on 9 days of the month, and there was 100% cloud cover on at least part of 12 days during the month. Maximum temperature was 31°C on June 25th, and there were 16 days when the temperature topped 20°C, but fell to 15°C on the 4th and 15th June. Strong winds on the 5th, 6th,27th, 28th, and 29th brought down small-to-medium sized branches, including a squirrel’s drey.

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Total Monthly rainfall: 11.5 mm. Maximum daily rainfall: 4.5 mm (2nd May)

There was a totally inadequate rainfall during the month, resulting in low pondwater levels and very dry soils. There were only 9 days with 100% cloud cover for at least part of the day. Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 26°C on the 26th May. On the coldest day it was 11°C on the 11th May. There were 16 days when the temperature was 20°C or more. The most noticeable effects of this climate change are a large increase in the area of water lilies across the lake, and a similar increase in the number of goat willow saplings around the bank.

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Total monthly rainfall: 31mm. Maximum daily rainfall: 25.5mm (28th April).

Altogether there were 4 days when measurable rain fell, and 10 days when cloud-cover reached 100% for at least part of the day. Unusually, it was an April with almost no April showers!

Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 24°C on the 11th and 23rd. On the coldest day it was 10°C on the 1st and 28th. There were 9 days in the month when the temperature reached at least 20°C. On 6 days during the month fresh-to-strong winds brought down many twenty-to- thirty-year old trees and snapped trunks and branches of many others.

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Total monthly rainfall: 74.5 millimetres. Maximum daily rainfall: 25.5mm (6th March).
Altogether there were 15 days with measurable rainfall, including 5 minutes of snow and 15 minutes of hail on the morning of the 29th. There were also 11 days with 100% cloud-cover for at least part of the day. Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 15°C on the 16th. Maximum temperature on the coldest days was 8°C on the 5th, 20th, and 29th. There were 7 days with a very strong wind-chill between the 20th and 28th.

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Total monthly rainfall : 117.5 millimetres.  Maximum daily rainfall: 20.5 millimetres (16th February). During the month there were 20 days with measurable rainfall and 20 days with 100% cloud-cover for at least part of the day. This included three major storms consisting of 9 days with strong – to – gale- force winds. We have been recording rainfall now for 14 years, and only 2014 has been wetter. Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 14°C on 23rd February. Maximum temperature on the coldest day was 7°C on the 27th. There were 14 days when the temperature was 10°C or more. Although the month was generally mild, there were 8 days with a very strong wind-chill.

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