• Field meetings
    Field meetings
    Our field visits and indoor winter meetings are free to members.
  • Orthoptera Recording
    Orthoptera Recording
    Find out more about recording Kent's grasshoppers, bush-crickets, crickets and ground-hoppers.
  • Wildlife Notes
    Wildlife Notes
    Terry and Susan Dove's monthly wildlife notes from Little Barton Farm.

Kent Field Club, founded in 1955, aims to deepen the understanding and appreciation of the natural history of Kent, England. Our membership ranges across the spectrum from professional experts in a particular field of study to those who simply appreciate the aesthetic beauty of our countryside and love to walk in it, observing its wildlife in the company of like-minded people.

Latest News

Kent Wildlife Conference 2023

This year's Kent Wildlife Conference was held on the 22nd October at the University of Kent Canterbury campus. The theme of this year's conference was The Role of Biodiversity and Natural History Recording in Rebuilding Biodiversity. Presentations topics included grassland creation, Local...

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Field meeting at Elmley NNR

Thirteen field club members met up at Elmley national nature reserve on 29th July, in better weather than was forecast. The site was infested with brown-banded carder bumblebee (Bombus humilis), to the point where the common carder bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum) was actually rarer than all the...

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Books & Printed Publications Shop

Little Barton Farm Wildlife Notes by Terry and Susan Dove