Total monthly rainfall: 44.5 millimetres. Maximum daily rainfall: 10.5 millimetres (9th August). There were 14 days with measurable rainfall, and only 6 days with 100% cloud-cover for at least part of the day. Maximum temperature on the warmest days was 31°C on August 25th, 26th, and 27th. On the coldest days it was 17°C on the 10th and 14th of August. Temperatures were below 20°C between the 10th and 20th, except on the 17th and 18th, when the temperature reached 20 degrees. This gave an autumnal edge to the month, accentuated by the strong winds on the 10th. We calculate these to be force 6, gusting force 8, and resulted in bringing down a large goat willow by the lake, and a wild hop and trellis by the front corner of the house – together with many leaves and small branches in the wood.

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Total monthly rainfall: 36.5 millimetres. Maximum daily rainfall: 26 millimetres (20th July). Measurable rain fell on only six days of the month, resulting in a drop in pond-water levels to 40 centimetres below maximum. There were only 8 days when cloud-cover reached 100% during part of the day. Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 35°C on the 25th, and on the coldest day was 18°C on the 27th. Strong winds on the 30th-31st removed many small branches, twigs and green leaves from the trees.

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Total monthly rainfall: 102 millimetres. Maximum daily rainfall: 28.5 millimetres (10th June).

June was a month of much-needed rainfall, with measurable rain falling on 10 days of the year sufficient to top-up pond-water levels by some ten centimetres. There were 16 days with complete cloud cover for at least part of the day.

Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 30°C on 29th June, while maximum temperature on the coldest day was 12°C on June 19th, and there were fresh-to-strong winds on June 6th-8th, 13th-15th, and 26th-28th – often leading to the downing of twigs and green leaves from some trees.

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Total monthly rainfall: 29 millimetres. Maximum daily rainfall: 12.5 millimetres (7th May).

Another month of low rainfall, with measurable rain falling on only 8 days, resulting in pond levels already over 30 centimetres below maximum.

Maximum temperature on the warmest days reached 22°C on May 23rd and 30th, while maximum temperature on the coldest day was 10°C on the 4th. Although there were only 13 days with full cloud-cover, there were 16 days when a stiff breeze from the north-west and north-east caused unpleasant flying conditions for dragonflies, butterflies, and moths.

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Total monthly rainfall was 22.8 mm with a  maximum daily rainfall of 6 mm on 9th April. There were 10 days when measurable rainfall occurred, and 13 days when cloud-cover was 100% for at least part of the day. Rainfall was much lower than daily forecasts suggested because most of the showers avoided our area. Maximum temperature reached 23°C on April 21st amid a warm spell between the 18th and 23rd, and only reached 10°C on the 9th and 14th. A strong wind-chill was present during this latter period, and returned again between the 25th and 28th.

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