The total monthly rainfall for January was 27 mm with a maximum daily rainfall of 6.5 mm on the 27th. Altogether there were 11 days when measurable rain fell during the month, and 16 days when cloud-cover reached 100% during some part of the day.  On the 24th there was a mixture of drizzle and snow which failed to settle, and overnight on the 30th/31st there was a snow covering of about one centimetre.

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Total monthly rainfall was 121 millimetres with a maximum daily rainfall: 12 mm (20th December). Measurable rain fell on 20 days of the year, and there were 17 days with 100% cloud cover for at least part of the day. Total rainfall for the year ended above-average at 867.5 mm. Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 13°C on December 2nd, 3rd, and 22nd, while maximum temperature on the coldest day was 3°C on the 14th and 15th. Varying degrees of frost occurred from the 11th to the 17th and on the 25th.

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Total monthly rainfall was 154.5 mm with a maximum daily rainfall of 24 mm  on November 10th . Measurable rain fell on 21 days of the month, and there were 17 days with 100% cloud-cover, almost continuously from the 19th to 29th. Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 15°C on the 6th, while maximum temperature on the coldest day was 4°C on the 20th. There were 5 days with overnight frost, and strong winds brought down many leaves and medium-sized branches on the 28th and 29th.

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Total monthly rainfall: 36 mm. with a maximum daily rainfall of 14.5 mm (30th October). Measurable rain fell on only 6 days of the month, leaving our ponds at very low levels. Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 22°C on the 10th. Maximum temperature on the coldest day was 7°C on the 30th. There were, however, only 11 days when 100% cloud-cover occurred, and there were strong winds on the 11th and 12th.

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