Total monthly rainfall was 36 mm with a maximum daily rainfall of 15 mm on July 30th. Rain fell on only 6 days during the month, and there was 100% cloud-cover during 6 days of the month. Maximum temperature on the warmest day was 32°C (27th July).  Maximum temperature on the coldest day was 18°C on the 29th. There were 17 days when the daytime temperature reached 25°C or more, and woodland ponds in particular were losing water rapidly. By the end of the month, pastures were turning brown.

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Total monthly rainfall was 4 mm with a maximum daily rainfall of 3 mm on June 7th. There were 3 days with recordable rainfall during the month, and only 12 days with 100% cloud cover during part of the day. The maximum temperature on the warmest day was 29°C on June 26th, while on the coldest day it was 16°C on June 4th. Altogether there were 21 days with 20°C or more.

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Total monthly rainfall: was 87.5 millimetres with a maximum day rainfall of 24mm on May 30th. Rain fell on only 8 days of the month, with only one day’s rain between the 4th and 23rd. There were twelve days with 100% cloud cover for part of the day. The maximum daytime temperature on the warmest day was 27° C (27th May), while on the coldest it was 12° C (1st and 2nd).

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Total monthly rainfall: was 71.5 mm with a maximum daily rainfall of  12 mm  on 30th April; recordable rain fell on 16 days during the month, and there were 17 days with 100% cloud-cover  during some part of the day. Stormy weather into the 30th brought down many leaves, twigs, and small branches. Maximum daytime temperature ranged between 4°C  on 30th April and 27°C  on19th April. The month could be described as having a six day mini-summer amid a wintery spring.

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