‘Carbon Storage in Intertidal Environments’ (C-SIDE) is a research project looking at the importance of salt marshes in absorbing CO2 to combat climate change.
C-SIDE is collecting lots of soil samples from salt marshes across England, Scotland and Wales. In the lab, we’re measuring how much of this soil is organic carbon (made up of things like roots and dead leaves) and we are then using the samples to go back in time - 12,000 years in fact - to see how carbon storage has changed since the Last Ice Age. You can find out more about the C-SIDE project at https://www.c-side.org/.
Though we’re covering as much of the British coastline as we can, we can’t do it on our own. We need Citizen Scientists to help us! Here’s what we’re asking volunteers to do:
Head down to their nearest saltmarsh and follow instructions using the ‘Saltmarsh App’ to complete a simple plant and soil survey
Collect nine small soil samples using equipment we’ll provide by post
Return the samples to us with a pre-paid envelope
If you or your team/network could help, please let me know at and I’ll send out an information pack with instructions on how to carry out a survey. The survey doesn’t take long, and it’s a great way for people to explore their local salt marsh!
If you know of another group that might be able to help, I’d be grateful if you could pass on this letter. Everyone can find their nearest saltmarsh using the interactive map at www.arcg.is/08nWvX. We’re hoping to get volunteers out collecting samples over the upcoming summer period.
To thank volunteers for their hard work, they’ll be credited in any output we produce. We’ll also keep you updated about how the project’s going and how it’s making a difference.
Thank you for your time,
Cai Ladd