In 1997 a group of mammal enthusiasts in Kent got together and set up the Kent Mammal Group, with straightforward yet important aims: To raise awareness of the plight of the County's mammals, promote recording and study of mammals in Kent, help to conserve mammals and to provide a forum for those interested in wild mammals.
This year therefore marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Kent Mammal Group. To celebrate this significant milestone a special anniversary event has been organised for Saturday 22nd October. It will take place at Lenham Community Centre, Lenham between 10am and 4.30pm. Invited speakers include keynote speaker Hugh Warwick, the well-known hedgehog loving ecologist and author, notable Kent based ecologists Jon Bramley and Richard Andrews, plus members of the Kent Mammal Group committee Steve Kirk, Will Hughes and Stephen Hedley. Lunch will be provided.
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/393625122337